
6 Checklist Before You Renovate Your House |

Renovating any home can be tough. From the costs involved, to deciding which contractor to hire. So much can happen during a renovation that it’s easy to miss things and get lost in the process. Here’s a renovation checklist to make the whole process easier!

1. Make A Wish List

In one column, put your wants. On the other, your needs. Only then, you can determine your priorities when faced with tough choices. For example, a kitchen remodel might be a must, while plaster ceiling for bedroom maybe can wait.


2. Determine Your Budget

Make an estimation cost in your head before meeting your interior designer and contractor. Then, you and your interior designer and contractor will be able to discuss what’s possible.


3. Consult The Calendar

Make sure the timeline for the renovation is cool from any important events going on in your place. For instance, you wouldn’t want to schedule any major renovation a few weeks before you host a family gathering.


4. Begin Looking For a Interior Design Firm and Contractor

Some prefer to ask everyone around them for recommendations. But now, there is an online platform like that can match you with Malaysian interior designers and proceed with online bidding with contractors.


5. Finalize Household Arrangements

Get prepared for the renovation to take place. reserve storage space for furnishings, or book a place to stay temporarily for the day when the water or electric supply will be turned off.


6. If Possible, Build An Oasis For Yourself

Select a room that will remain untouched or disturbed by the chaos. Take whatever equipment that might keep you distracted during the period. (TV, electric kettle, yoga mat, earplugs etc.)


Hope this helps!